General Conditions of Use of the "my+" Loyalty Program

These general conditions of use of the myBlend “my+” loyalty program were updated on August 27, 2024.

These general conditions govern the contractual relations applicable between MY BLEND and its members within the framework of the operation of the “my +” Loyalty Program.

1. Purpose

The “my +” Loyalty Program is offered by MY BLEND, a single-member simplified joint-stock company with capital of €1,000,000, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 449 848 803, whose head office is located at 9, rue du Commandant Pilot – 92200 Neuilly sur Seine, France.

The purpose of the “my +” Loyalty Program is to allow its members (“Members”) to benefit from specific advantages and services by accumulating points when purchasing MY BLEND brand products (the “Products”) at “Maison myBlend” or on the MY BLEND website as identified below and MY BLEND care services at “Maison myBlend” as well as when using a MY BLEND gift card at “Maison myBlend” or on the MY BLEND website as identified below.

It is specified that the following physical point of sale is eligible for the operation:

“La Maison myBlend” located at 23 Rue Debelleyme, 75003 Paris.

It is specified that the following website is eligible for the operation:

The points of sale eligible for the operation may be updated by MY BLEND at any time. Members will then be informed as soon as possible.

Please note that any purchase made at a point of sale other than those mentioned above is not eligible for this operation.

These general conditions, to which the applicant had prior access before joining the loyalty program, are considered to be approved without restriction by the Member upon joining the “my +” Loyalty Program.

2. Membership of the my + loyalty program

The “my +” Loyalty Program is open to any adult natural person residing in one of the following countries delivered by the e-commerce site

Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom. The program is open to Clarins Group employees, including those of the myBlend brand.

The applicant must have a personal account on the website and give his consent to become a Member of “my +”.

If the applicant does not have a personal account and wishes to become a Member, he/she must complete the registration form on then check the box “Subscribe to the loyalty program”.

If the applicant already has a personal account and wishes to become a Member, he/she must log in to it on the website, select the My account section and then click on the button at the bottom of the page “Become a member”.

No request for membership in the loyalty program can be taken into account by telephone, mail or e-mail.

In order to benefit from the advantages of the “my +” Loyalty Program, the applicant is invited to communicate the following data from his personal account on the website in the My account / Personal information sections: title, first name, last name, date of birth, valid email address and postal address.

The Member guarantees the accuracy of all information provided throughout the membership period. Any inaccuracy could impact the proper processing of the Member's benefits for which MY BLEND cannot be held responsible. MY BLEND reserves the right to request at any time the presentation of any document to prove the identity of the person wishing to subscribe or having subscribed to the "my +" Loyalty Program, particularly in the event of homonymy.

Any change must be notified as soon as possible by the Member from his personal account on the website in the My account / Personal information sections or to MY BLEND Customer Service via the following email address:

Membership in the “my +” Loyalty Program is effective upon validation by MY BLEND of the membership form. Once membership has been validated by MY BLEND, the Member will be able to accumulate loyalty points and have access to rewards from the first purchase of Products, MY BLEND care service or use of a MY BLEND gift card made at the physical point of sale or on the website mentioned in Article 1 of these General Terms of Use. Membership is nominative, personal and reserved for individuals for their own and non-professional use. The “my +” loyalty program includes a personal identification number that is assigned to the Member. It is strictly individual and nominative. Each customer can only subscribe to one membership, and can only have one account in their name. If MY BLEND finds that a person holds multiple loyalty accounts, MY BLEND reserves the right to terminate the Member's account, which will result in the deletion of all accumulated points and benefits.

MY BLEND reserves the right to refuse or terminate the membership of any person who does not meet the conditions defined in these general conditions of use of the “my +” Loyalty Program.

In accordance with the legal provisions in force, the rules of membership in the "my +" Loyalty Program are valid for an unlimited period as long as the Member makes or declares at least one purchase of MY BLEND Products, care services or uses a MY BLEND gift card in the physical point of sale or on the website mentioned in Article 1 of these General Terms of Use over a period of three years. However, the Member is entitled to cease participating in the "my +" Loyalty Program at any time by notifying MY BLEND Customer Service of their decision to close their account.
When an account is closed, the points counter is reset to zero and unused points, benefits and rewards not yet ordered, delivered or issued are permanently lost, including in the event of a new subscription by the Member at a later date.

3. Advantages of the my blend loyalty program

Membership in the “my +” Loyalty Program allows the Member to accumulate points when purchasing MY BLEND Products, care services or using a MY BLEND gift card made at the physical point of sale or on the website mentioned in Article 1 of these General Terms of Use. Points are automatically credited during one of these actions without the Member having to complete any other formalities.

The method applicable to the calculation of points is as follows:

€1 spent when purchasing a Product, MY BLEND care service at eligible points of sale as mentioned in Article 1 of these general terms and conditions of use, use of a MY BLEND gift card, or any other type of purchase giving access to points (such as the purchase of a gift box) = 1 “my +” point earned.

Points are valid for 1 year from January 1st of each calendar year until December 31st of the same year.

At each change of calendar year, on January 1st, the points counters are reset to zero, except for the exceptions mentioned below. Unused points cannot be recovered. They are automatically transferred by MY BLEND to the Association "La Maison des Femmes" as presented on the presentation page of the "my+" program on the website

The Member will be notified by two email communications prior to the expiration of his points at least 2 months before this. A final email communication will notify him of the effective reset of his points balance and the amount converted into points donations if points remain.

The Member can check his/her points balance at any time by logging into his/her personal account on the website in the My Account section, it being specified that the online counters are updated in real time. The Member also has the option of dematerializing his/her loyalty card in his/her mobile “Wallet” on iOS or Android. To do this, the Member must go to the My Account / My Loyalty Card section and scan the QR Code presented.

In the event of a dispute over the number of points accumulated, only the information contained in the MY BLEND database will be valid.


The “my +” loyalty program provides all of its Members with several advantages from the moment they join the program:

  • Upon joining the "my +" loyalty program, the Member will receive a welcome gift offered by MY BLEND. The gift is a kit including, subject to available stocks: a Vanity and 2 Oshiboris (towels). This gift will be added to the first order placed by the Member and sent to the address provided by the latter during their first purchase. Shipping costs will be covered by MY BLEND. This welcome gift will be delivered as soon as possible by MY BLEND. MY BLEND reserves the right to modify the nature of the welcome gift at any time.
  • For his birthday, the Member will benefit from a promotional offer. This offer will take the form of a 15% discount voucher valid on the next order or purchase made by the Member for 30 days from his birthday, without any minimum purchase price condition. The Member will be informed of the offer by sending emails to the email address provided in his My Account / Personal Information space. The discount voucher must be used at the physical point of sale and/or on the website mentioned in Article 1 of these general terms and conditions of use. This offer is conditional on the Member communicating his birthday on the website in the My Account / Personal Information section. MY BLEND reserves the right to modify the percentage of the discount voucher at any time.
  • The Member will benefit from early access to new MY BLEND Products or Care Services. The Member will be informed of new MY BLEND products via emails sent to the email address provided in the My Account / Personal Information section. The Member will also be able to access new products via the My Account / Preview section.
  • The Member will benefit from exclusive communications in the form of emails sent one or more times a year to the email address provided in the My Account / Personal Information section. The nature and recurrence of communications will be at the discretion of MY BLEND. However, in accordance with Article 7 of these general terms of use, the Member, while maintaining his or her Member status, may request to stop receiving any communications from MY BLEND.


The “my +” Loyalty Program distinguishes several levels according to the number of points accumulated by the Member following their purchases of MY BLEND Products or care services or use of a MY BLEND gift card in the physical point of sale “La Maison myBlend” or on the website mentioned in article 1 of these general conditions of use. When the Member reaches a level, they can choose:

  • To use his/her points to benefit from one or more MY BLEND products from the selection of products presented on his/her account in the [Convert my points] section. The points used for the purchase of the MY BLEND product(s) will then be deducted from his/her balance. The Member may only return a MY BLEND product purchased using the accumulation of points if it is altered or expired. In this case, the Member undertakes to report the alteration of the product to the following address within five (5) days of receipt of the product. If these conditions have been met, MY BLEND undertakes to return to the Member, at its own expense, the same unaltered product.
  • To donate your points to the association “La Maison des Femmes”. The points used will then be deducted from your balance. In this case, for every 10 points donated, MY BLEND will make a financial contribution worth €1 to the association.
  • To continue to accumulate points to reach the next level. These points have no monetary value, cannot be exchanged or refunded and can only be used within the framework of the “my +” Loyalty Program.

The levels are as follows:

  • Level 1: from 700 “my +” points accumulated, the Member can choose 1 free product from the selection of MYBLEND products in Basket 1 or donate their points to the association “La Maison des Femmes” for a value of €70.
  • Level 2: from 1000 “my +” points accumulated, the Member can choose 1 free product from the selection of MYBLEND products in Basket 2 and donate their points to the association “La Maison des Femmes” for a value of €100.
  • Level 3: from 1300 “my +” points accumulated, the Member can choose 1 free product from the selection of MYBLEND products in Basket 3 or donate their points to the association “La Maison des Femmes” for a value of €130.
  • Level 4: from 1600 “my +” points accumulated, the Member can choose 1 free product from the selection of MYBLEND products in Basket 4 or donate their points to the association “La Maison des Femmes” for a value of €160.

Each level allows the Member to benefit from a product offered in sale format from a selection of MY BLEND products or to donate points to the association “La Maison des Femmes”.

The selections of MY BLEND products and point donation coupons corresponding to each level can be viewed on the website on the page my + / Your Loyalty Program or from a personal account in the sections My Program / Convert my points.

MY BLEND reserves the right to modify the different reward selections at any time.

For each point donation made, MY BLEND undertakes to systematically donate 50% of the amount of the associated value to the association "La Maison des Femmes". For example, for each point donation corresponding to a value of €70, MY BLEND will donate an additional €35 to the association, making a total financial contribution of €105.

MYBLEND reserves the right to modify at any time the percentage of the additional amount that it donates to the association “La Maison des Femmes”.

All the points given by the Members will be transformed into a financial contribution paid annually by MY BLEND to the association “La Maison des Femmes”.

Furthermore, if all the donations of points made by Members do not allow an annual financial contribution of ten thousand euros (€10,000) to be reached, paid by MY BLEND to the association “La Maison des Femmes”, MY BLEND has undertaken to pay the association an additional financial contribution allowing this amount of €10,000 to be reached.

In the event that all the point donations make it possible to reach an annual financial contribution of a value equal to or greater than €10,000, MY BLEND will not make any additional financial contribution to the association.


The “my +” Loyalty Program also allows the Member to benefit from specific advantages and commercial offers such as invitations to private sales or events.

MY BLEND reserves the right to target the sending of its commercial offers to some of its Members.

4. Operating conditions of “my +”

1/ Purchases of Products or care services or use of a MY BLEND gift card at the physical point of sale mentioned in article 1 of these general conditions of use:

The Member's account is credited within 24 hours with the number of points corresponding to their purchases.

2/ Purchases of Products or care services or use of a MY BLEND gift card on the website mentioned in article 1 of these general conditions of use:

The Member's account is automatically credited with the number of points corresponding to his or her purchases.


To use their loyalty points, the Member must log in to their personal account on the website and select the My Account / Convert my points sections. From 700 points accumulated, the Member can choose from the selection of gifts offered to them. They can also choose to donate points in the form of a coupon to the association "La Maison des Femmes". Finally, they can also decide to continue to accumulate points to access the following levels.

Rewards are shipped to the shipping address provided by the Member when sending the gift. The shipping costs of the rewards are the responsibility of the Member unless the Member decides to receive his gift at the same time as an order of Products and the minimum amount to benefit from free shipping is reached. The shipping costs and delivery times of the rewards vary depending on the shipping country and the chosen delivery method.

When the Member decides to donate his points, a confirmation email is sent to him to indicate that his donation of points has been taken into account. MY BLEND transmits annually to the association "La Maison des Femmes" all the financial contributions corresponding to the total value of the donations of points made by the Members during a year.

Once a rewards order is validated, it is no longer possible for the Member to modify the choice of gift or the delivery address entered.

5. Duration of membership in the loyalty program – termination terms

If a Member wishes to terminate their Loyalty Program membership contract, they simply need to make a request to MY BLEND Customer Service by sending an email to the following address:

Any fraud, suspicion of tangible fraud, abusive use and/or use not in accordance with these general conditions and in particular in the event of fraudulent, abusive, diverted use, of an abnormally high number of transactions or more generally any breach of these general conditions of use may, at the discretion of MY BLEND, automatically result in the definitive termination of the loyalty program with blocking of the loyalty account and loss of all rights and benefits attached thereto, without giving rise to any compensation. In order to avoid any risk of fraud in the use of the loyalty account, permanent means of control and monitoring have been put in place by MY BLEND.

6. Evolution of the loyalty program

MY BLEND reserves the right, at any time, to cancel, replace or modify all or part of the “my +” Loyalty Program, as well as the benefits and services offered within the framework of the latter.

In the event of a change impacting the points counters and/or rewards, MY BLEND will inform Members of these changes by the means it deems most appropriate (posting on the website, postal mail, e-mail, SMS, etc.) within a reasonable period of time prior to the implementation of said change. Failure to do so within this period will result in the loss of these benefits.

7. Personal data

MY BLEND, a single-member simplified joint-stock company with capital of €2,150,000, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 449 848 803, whose registered office is located at 9, rue du Commandant Pilot – 92200 Neuilly sur Seine, France, is responsible for processing personal data for the “my +” Loyalty Program.

The information collected as part of the “my +” Loyalty Program on the website or by MY BLEND Customer Service (in writing via the following email address:, is subject to computer processing intended to process the Member's requests, allow them to benefit from the advantages of the “my +” Loyalty Program, send them offers, news and personalized advertising based on their previous purchases and/or interests and produce statistics and studies.

This information is kept by MY BLEND for a period that does not exceed the period necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In any event, this information is deleted as soon as the Member does not make any purchase or has not clicked on a hyperlink contained in an email sent by MY BLEND for a period of 3 years.

In accordance with the regulations in force, the Member has a right of access, rectification, deletion and portability of information concerning him/her as well as a right of opposition and limitation of processing. He/she may also formulate directives relating to the conservation, deletion and communication of his/her personal data after his/her death. To exercise these rights, the Member must send his/her request, providing proof of his/her identity, to the following email address: The Member may also lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority responsible for data protection or take legal action if his/her data is misused.

To learn more about MY BLEND's policy on the protection of personal data, the Member is invited to consult the Confidentiality Policy on the website

8. Liability

MY BLEND is exempt from any liability for any consequence, direct or indirect, of any anomalies or malfunctions of the “my +” Loyalty Program, whatever their cause. In the event of a malfunction or anomalies, MY BLEND undertakes to maintain the benefit of the Member's accumulation of points and/or minutes or an equivalent.

The Member declares to be fully informed of the intrinsic characteristics of the Internet and in particular of the fact that the transmission of data on the Internet benefits from only relative reliability, these circulating on heterogeneous networks, with diverse characteristics and capacities, which are sometimes saturated at certain times of the day and likely to impact download times or accessibility to data, and that the Internet is an open network and, consequently, the information it carries is not protected against the risks of misappropriation, intrusion into its system, hacking of data, programs and files on its system, contamination by computer viruses, and that it is up to it to take all appropriate measures to protect the data, files or programs stored in its system against contamination by viruses as well as attempts to intrude into its system.

Any breach by the Member or a third party acting on behalf of the Member of the general terms and conditions of use of the MY BLEND “my +” Loyalty Program, any abusive or fraudulent use of the benefits it provides, any falsification of the information communicated to MY BLEND and any behavior by the Member that is detrimental to the interests of MY BLEND shall automatically result in the Member being removed from the “my +” Loyalty Program. The Member is informed that the service providers involved in the “my +” Loyalty Program have their own solutions for analyzing, detecting and reporting actions that present an anomaly or inconsistency. Where applicable, access to a Member's space may be suspended or canceled. The removal or closure of an account results in the loss of the rights attached to membership, in particular the balance of points and/or minutes, without the Member or any third party or beneficiary being able to claim any compensation.

9. Partial invalidity – modification of the general conditions of use

If one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions were deemed unlawful or void, this nullity would not have the effect of rendering the other provisions of these conditions null and void. MY BLEND reserves the right to adapt or modify these general terms and conditions at any time and without notice, the adaptations or modifications then being applicable to any use of the loyalty program subsequent to these adaptations or modifications.

10. Disputes – applicable law – competent jurisdiction

These general terms and conditions are subject to the application of French law. Only the French version of these general terms and conditions of use of the “my +” loyalty program is authentic. Any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or execution of these general terms and conditions and its consequences will be brought before the competent courts.

11. Mediation

The Member is informed of the possibility of resorting to consumer mediation for disputes that may arise regarding the use of the “my +” Loyalty Program. Referral to the mediator is only possible if the Member has already contacted MY BLEND Customer Service and has not received a response or satisfaction to his complaint.

The Member may contact the Paris Mediation and Arbitration Center (CMAP) either by using the form available on the website, or by email to the address, or by post to the following address: CMAP – Consumer Mediation Service, 39 avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 75008 Paris.

The European Commission also offers a one-stop shop for consumers and traders wishing to resolve disputes arising from online transactions out of court. This service is available at the following address: If you have any questions regarding the resolution of any dispute, please contact our Customer Service.