<b>Dr. Olivier Courtin</b>
<b>Dr. Olivier Courtin</b>
visionary doctor and entrepreneur

Dr. Olivier Courtin

founder of myBlend and CEO of the Clarins group.

"Today, women need truth. And the truth is to adapt more to their feelings, to the needs of their skin than to their age."

The inspiring story of Dr. Olivier Courtin

Olivier Courtin, a medical graduate, began his career as an orthopedic surgeon and head of clinic at Foch Hospital . In 1984, he began collaborating with the family business Clarins, created by his father Jacques in 1954, contributing to the creation of a network of fundamental research laboratories. His passion for innovation led him to reduce his hospital activity and fully integrate Clarins in 1995 and become involved in research, institutes and spas.

During his medical practice, he made a crucial observation: the health and appearance of his patients' skin seemed to be influenced more by their lifestyle and environment than by their chronological age.

This is the beginning of the myBlend adventure .

The birth of myBlend

A revolution in skin care.

Based on his clinical observations, Dr. Olivier Courtin notes that the healing of his patients' skin depends less on their age than on their lifestyle. Diet, sport, sleep, emotional states and environment appear to be the key players in its regeneration.

In 2007, he surrounded himself with a team of specialists to imagine a new global beauty ritual and maximum effectiveness treatments. Dermatologists who are experts in the communication between skin and nerve cells, but also experts in laser therapy, dermo-nutritionists, facialists and cosmetics professionals agree not to choose between reference molecules and natural super-ingredients, to source excellence in all areas and to incorporate the highest concentrations tolerated by the skin into each formula. Together, they dream of a new high-end, personalized, authentic and responsible beauty: myBlend.

myBlend is forward-thinking and embodies its vision of a holistic and personalized approach to skin care. Beyond treating the visible symptoms of skin aging, we seek to address the root causes by taking into account the uniqueness of each individual, through personalization and consideration of lifestyle and skin emotions .

myBlend is a 360° approach that reflects Dr. Courtin’s belief that beauty is a reflection of a holistic balance between skin, body and mind. In 2022, myBlend offers a complete beauty ecosystem with:

Only 15% of our genes (hereditary) program our functioning and aging. The remaining 85% are modulated by our behaviors and our exposure to internal and external stresses. Therefore, I focus less on age than on lifestyles and their effects on the skin. At myBlend, a pioneering brand in epigenetics, we rely on our own ability to modulate the functioning of our cells.

Epigenetics at the heart of the myBlend philosophy

Dr. Courtin's fascination with epigenetics, an emerging field of biology, has profoundly influenced his vision of beauty and well-being.

Convinced that our environment and our lifestyle are the primary factors in the aging of our skin and that our body has within it the capacity for its own regeneration.

Epigenetics is the science that studies the influence of the environment on the expression of our genes. Our lifestyle and our environment influence the functioning and renewal of our cells.

A pioneer in this new biological discipline, he published two books in 2019 and 2024: " Epigenetics: the power over your genes ", and " Guess my age if you can " in which he explores how our lifestyle choices can influence the expression of our genes, and consequently, our health and appearance.

These books, the result of years of research and clinical observation, offer valuable insights into how we can take control of our health and beauty by better understanding the interaction between our genes and our environment. He also shares practical tips for optimizing our lifestyle to promote positive gene expression.

"Each skin has sufficient potential to regenerate and repair its cells provided that its neuro-immune system functions well." Dr. Olivier Courtin

Passion for science and innovation

Dr. Olivier Courtin is recognized for his unwavering commitment to scientific research and innovation. Under his leadership, myBlend collaborates with world-renowned researchers in the fields of dermatology, nutrition and neuroscience.

myBlend invests heavily in R&D, using cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence to analyze the specific needs of the skin. This data-driven approach allows myBlend to formulate ultra-personalized recommendations.


Des années de recherche et plusieurs publications scientifiques en collaboration avec les Laboratoires Clarins.

Une association unique de 4 peptides à la puissance régénératrice inégalée pour protéger et stimuler les récepteurs sensoriels cutanés, la clé de l’activation de la longévité avec des molécules pures et de très haute qualité.

4 actions biologiques ciblées
  • Protection des récepteurs sensoriels cutanés contre le stress et les radicaux libres.
  • Relance de la communication cellulaire pour réactiver les mécanismes clés du fonctionnement des cellules (collagène, élastine, acide hyaluronique, oxygénation etc.)
  • Stimulation du renouvellement et de la régénération cellulaire.
  • Maintient des défenses naturelles pour une peau forte.

Le [Peptides-complex]4P dans les soins myBlend

Solid scientific evidence

Dr. Olivier Courtin emphasizes the importance of scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of myBlend products. Each formula undergoes rigorous clinical and consumer testing before being marketed.

myBlend regularly publishes its results, demonstrating its commitment to transparency and scientific rigor.

“Knowing how to measure results is something that can be learned, and we have been developing our expertise for over 70 years.”