Our Articles and <span>Advice</span>
Our Articles and <span>Advice</span>

Our Articles and Advice

Very dry or dehydrated skin: what to do

Skin needs special attention, especially when it is prone to dryness or dehydration. Although these two conditions may seem similar, they have different causes and symptoms. They also require specific care. What is dry skin and what is dehydrated skin? What are the solutions? We answer your questions and present the Revitalizing Rich Cream.

All our tips for firm and toned skin

Over time, the oval of your face begins to relax, your features tend to hollow out, your skin seems less firm? Rest assured: it is not inevitable!

By understanding the origin of this problem and pampering your skin with appropriate care and gestures, you will be able to boost the elasticity of your skin and (re)discover in your mirror sharper contours, as if redesigned. We explain everything to you.

Nutri detox: the secret to being in shape after the holidays!

Special moments to share with family and/or friends, the end-of-year celebrations are often synonymous with conviviality and gourmet dishes that can destabilize your nutritional balance. Discover the tips for treating yourself without guilt.

All the light on AHA/BHA

With the arrival of spring, we all want to get some fresh air and oxygenate our skin. So, there's nothing like a good peel to restore softness and luminosity, the key to healthy, radiant complexions!

And for this, the Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta-Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) are our perfect allies. Both known for their exfoliating power and their anti-aging effect, they complement each other because each cultivates its own secrets. We tell you everything.

All About the Radiant Power of Enzymes

Present in their natural state in all living organisms, plants, animals or humans, these proteins with their somewhat clever names are essential to ensure the proper functioning of this complex machine that is our body.

Also known for their benefits for the skin, enzymes have been making their way into the world of cosmetics for a few years now. Because they are real assets for our beauty. But how do they work? What are they unique in? What types of products do they excel in? Find out everything (or almost) about these precious molecules...

5 nutritional secrets to shine this summer

From the first fine days, our body is delighted to flirt with the rays of the sun, sometimes without worrying about the small inconveniences that this can cause on the organism: dehydration, irritations, heavy legs...

But don't stress! By adopting a healthy and balanced eating routine, you will prepare your body to fight against its aggressors and reveal itself without complexes. Bye bye orange peel skin and dull complexion! It's time to discover our 5 nutritional secrets to triumph over summer because, as we know, beauty starts on the inside.